August 2013 Moms

Anyone else not disclosing the name?

I've noticed that so many people want to give their opinions on names expectant parents choose unsolicited, so when DH and I found I was pregnant we decided that our choices would remain private. A ton of friends family and coworkers are asking and I always say "Eh, it's early. We have a lot of time to think about it." One coworker responded "Oh GAWD you're the couple that won't tell anyone are you?" FIL said "it's okay. I'll get it out of SIL."

DH told his sister his baby girl name preference years ago, when we were still dating. Whatever.

It's like geez, it isn't good enough that we told you I was pregnant, that it was a girl, that her bday has already been scheduled? Are people normally so nosey? It isn't even close to DDay enough to order anything monogrammed.
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