3rd Trimester

Big baby? Induction?

So my Dr. is sending me for a second late term US to check the weight of the baby. At 28 weeks, baby was 3.5 lbs and 2 weeks ago at work the sono tech scanned me and measured baby at 4 lbs 14oz at 32 weeks (i work at an OBs office). 

At my last appt the dr said he wants to do another scan at 37 weeks because of the baby being big (since 18 weeks hes been measuring 3 weeks ahead) but I am POSITIVE of my dates, and my inital sono at first appt was right on with my dates.

So the dr. was saying that we "may need to talk induction at 39 weeks" if it seems the baby is getting too big. Im not pre-eclamptic, I passed my 3 HGTT and baby is head down.

I really really dont want to be induced, but the dr is making it seem like its "normal" and no big deal. I know tech they cant induce for macrosomia (large baby) but if I "Elected" to have the induction I can have it done at 39 weeks.

As huge as I am and how I feel, I honestly dont think im going to make it another 6 weeks anyway...I've been having contractions, lots of pressure etc. Obviously, I dont want him to come now, but I'd rather him come out when he is ready...

Has anyone else had a dr. suggest or did do an induction just because the baby was big? is this for the drs. benefit or mine?

PS: my daughter was 6lbs 6oz when she was born, 3 days after due date, no induction, but after dr. stripped my membranes 3 days before.

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"Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream." ~ From Juno

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