August 2013 Moms

Awesome OB Appt

Today I had my NT scan and everything looks good. My DD asked the U/S Tech if she could see if it was boy or girl. She wants a little sister soooooooo bad so she must have asked her 3 times. I keep telling her that its just a guess and its not 100% it is still very very early. So they "guessed" it looked like a boy. My DD was so mad. LOL it was kind of cute. Be now she is so happy to possibility of having a little brother! She told everyone at her gymnastics that it looks like it could be a boy. So will see if it stays true. 

Wife to Michael 5/25/02 Mom to Reilly 3/13/03 BFP 12/10/12 Beta 12/12/12: 351 @16 dpo Beta 12/17/12: 2999 @21 dpo Beta 12/20/12: 7539 @24 dpo Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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