August 2013 Moms

Vent!!!! FB related

So I need a serious vent right now. 

One of my best friends found out I was preggers when I was 8 weeks. I told her I would make it public news when I'm 13 weeks on FB and planned on doing it on Vday.

She even asked me(again) like 4 days ago, so when are you letting people know?! I said close friends and some family know.. (for gods sake we just told my DH Mom and sister yesterday, and his dad today.) I even showed my friend the cute Valentines Day card announcement we had made up and I said I was gonna post this on FB on VDay. 

So she received it in the mail, and my sister in law texts me "It's not public news on FB right? I know you said no mentions" I said "yea NO Fb yet, why?"

"Because your friend posted on FB about you being pregnant and tagged you in the post!!!" OMG My blood was boiling.

I looked online and sure enough there it was.. I'm sorry but is this such an AW move? I text her right away and said TAKE IT DOWN!!!! How could you do this? I told you I was announcing publicly on FB for outside friends etc on VDay.. if you didn't see me post anything yet, why would you take that joy away from me? It's not your place to announce my business. 

She's like omg I'm so sorry! I thought bc I got your card in the mail it was "out". DUH! What did you just ask me 4 days ago?! My husband was SO angry.. this happened about 15 mins right before us arriving to his dad's to tell him. His uncles and cousins still had no idea, and them finding out on FB was not the way. So she deleted it, and I deactivated my account for the time being. I hope not many people saw. What a buzz kill :(

Sorry for the long post- I seriously needed to vent about this. What is it with people and needing the attention on them?!  


Eat Sleep DanceimageBabyFruit Ticker BFP 12/10/2012 - Strong numbers and baby HB 169!
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