Pregnant after IF

I just need to vent (sorry so long)

My vent today is about negativity.

Anytime I tell someone I am going to go natural they automatically shoot me down saying "you won't be able to. Do it!" I understand its going to be unimaginable pain and I won't even know what it's like until that time comes, but at least be a little more encouraging. My step mom is all for helping me go natural and has even helped me look up ways coping through the pain. She will also be in L&D with me. I'm the type of person that if I set my mind to it 90% of the time I follow through with it. 

Then last night, talking with my husbands family, I told them I'm going to be doing cloth diapers and how excited I am to do it. His cousins wife was so negative about it. I was actually shocked at how defensive she was about me using CD because she usually is the sweetest person. She was arguing with me saying how unsafe CD are and what will I do when they pee. I said I would change them as if they were in disposables. She then told me that with disposables you can let them sit in their pee for a longer time then CD. I said I wouldn't because I wouldn't like to sit in my own urine so I don't think my son would and having them sit in it for a longer time increases risk of rashes. I also told her CD are cheaper and with me being a SAHM we need to save on anything we can and I've done my homework on CD for MONTHS. I get its not for everyone, but I wouldn't be so negative about a choice someone would make that I don't like or understand. She even went on to ask me what I would do if they are potty training. I said I would have them in underwear right when I felt they were ready and be 100% about just underwear. She asked what if they have a night accident, I said then they have a night accident and I clean their sheets. I'll have a waterproof sheet under as to not get the mattress ruined but in my personal opinion, pull ups are such a waste of money and I want to save in ways I know I can. 

She kept telling me how that's too much work and basically insinuating it was a dumb choice. I asked my DH if he agreed that I can do this and he said of course and to just ignore her. I did but it just really got under my skin how many negative Nancy's there are out there!

THEN (last vent)  the same person was telling me how I won't have patience anymore when baby gets here. She has two kids and she works. Her mom watches her children all day everyday and I see how frustrated she gets being with her own children for just a few hours. I usually play and watch them when they come over. They have no problems listening to me. They always tell her no and she just allows it. I worked as a daycare teacher for many years so I know how to handle large groups of children alone. I've always been a super patient person and everyone knows this. But she just kept going saying how hard it will be and that I'm going to have zero patience being a SAHM. Again, I totally get its for everyone, but some women are MADE to be SAHM.

Sorry it's so long. DH, as much as he tries, doesn't respond properly and gives the usual "man" response. Thanks for reading ladies!! 

Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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