August 2013 Moms

Worried about my child resenting me :/ *Long*

Decided to post here as well cause you ladies are usually the most helpful! 

A little background:

I left my child's father this last Saturday. We had been together since 2009. He has two sons from a previous relationship whom I am very close with. Through out four year span, we started out living with my parents, got our own place for awhile then moved in with his parents.

Now that we're not together I've got a million thoughts running through my mind. As much as I love him, he can be an absolute horrible person! He loves his other children, but he doesn't really interact with them, he's content with sticking them in front of the TV and then go off to do his own thing. He drinks a lot now and he never used to. Now I have found out that not only does he drink and drive..but he drinks and drives with his children in the car! Trust me if I wasn't pregnant this would've resulted in a fist fight! He lives in a tiny 3 bedroom house with his mom, step-dad, brother (who has full custody one child and one on the way), not to mention himself and his two boys plus the one we're having. He actually thinks it's acceptable to have his 3 kids live and sleep in the same bedroom as him!! Oh and did I forget to mention that they have TWELVE (yes I said 12) dogs that all live in the house with them that poop and pee everywhere! They also live on a dirty farm. The house is absolutely disgusting dirty! Dirt, mud, sand, sawdust, everything you could think of on the floors and counters and furniture! And everyone who lives there chain smokes constantly, and they think it's no big deal to smoke around the kids. They own their own logging business from their home. So there is a lot of equipment such as log trucks, dump trucks, bulldozers, excavators, and lots of other scary looking equipment that the kids could all very easily get hurt on. And all the kids are left un-attended outside. Makes me crazy nervous.

I have come to grips with being a single mother and am beyond okay with it. I've got a steady job where I can support myself and my child comfortably. I'll also be living with my parents (my mother is a organized neat freak THANK GOD!) But he's my issue. As of right now I have cut off all contact with him and his family. Decided the child will have my last name, and I'm considering not putting him on the birth certificate. I plan on asking for no child support from him as well. He likes to play Daddy and make everyone think he's father of the year but I know better. Huge problem, his mother oversteps her boundries often and even if he didn't want anything to do with this child she would make him go to court and file.

However I'm so worried that if I continue with the decision to do my best to keep him away from this child that 1) The court will force visitation and it will make co-parenting even more of a nightmare or 2) My child will absolutely hate me and resent me for making the decisions I did. If you've actually read all this kudos to you because I know it's long and confusing. I just need to know if my points are valid for not wanting him around my child, and if I'd have an issue getting full custody. Any advice at all would be appreciated and helpful. And yes I'm prepared for a few snarky comments.


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