Pregnant after IF

Baby Ducky is here! Long post

Hey girls! First, thank you all for your well wishes and kind words. Sophie Joy was born yesterday, Sunday the 10th at 2:05am. 6lbs, 14oz and 19.5inches long. I'll post photos when I get home. She is doing absolutely wonderful!

Some of you may had seen my posts last week about bad heartburn. It wasn't everyday, but the days I had it was for hours and I got no relief from medications. On Fri I woke up with it and suffered for 9 hrs. Woke up on Sat at 2:30 and felt awful. Nothing helped w relief and I woke MH at 4. By 6 I was so distraught he took me to the hospital for what we thought would be heartburn medication and then a trip back home. Turns out it was not heartburn but was severe preeclampsia which can be mistaken for heartburn. The difference is it is slightly under your right breast and clearly recieves no relief from medications.

Next thing I know I am being induced. I spent the first 11 hrs in labor which was slow and not painful. I was able to get to 4 cm that way. During this time I had a lot of bloodwork down which showed dramatically reduced platelid levels. When my doctor arrived I was told that I was not able to have the epidural because I didn't have the ability to clot if they hit a nerve on the way in. So, my water was broken at 10 and by 1am I was 9 cm dilated. Shortly after I was prepped to push. Took 45 mins to push her out. That was the biggest upside to not having the epidural I was able to push well!

Since then I have had some issues clotting. I've been on a lot of different medications between stablizing my blood pressure, making sure I am clotting properly etc. my platelid level has risin as of now but now my hemoglobin levels are super low. I'm in good spirits though and Sophie is so wonderful that I couldn't be happier!

Sorry this was so long and I apologize for typos ahead of time because I am on my phone. I'll be spending sometime catching up on all your posts! Thanks again for all the thoughts and love!!!
TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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