3rd Trimester

iron pills = stomach pain?

Hey ladies,

Last night I was enjoying a rare night of good sleep when I woke up around 3 with bad stomach pains.  

I ate a lot of food yesterday (not all at once) but I overindulged in sweets (hey, I had a 3 y.o..'s birthday party and later a friend's baby shower.  Cupcakes were *everywhere.*)  

I wasn't home to take my iron pill (I'm anemic) until late in the day and waited until I hadn't had dairy in my system for a while to take it, so I took it right before I went to bed, without much in my stomach.  

Anyone have this happen where they take an iron pill and later have stomach pains?  Or should I look to blame the cupcakes?

(I was a bit nauseous but not so much that I would have risked waking up DD to try and throw up--bathroom's right outside her nursery.)


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