Pregnant after IF

Baby Shower Recap. (LONG)

Morning Ladies!

Sooooo I had my baby shower Sunday (re-scheduled thanks to NEMO)....... And my mom and sisters did an amazing job. It was lovely. BUT it was also very bitter sweet.

I know my hormones are running rampid right now, but I'm having a hard time with a few things and almost feel like I need to get it out, so I hope you don't mind this "outlet"post.

Since we had to re-schedule the shower, we lost A LOT of people, which I understand, it happens. However, I have to be honest and say it gets a little old when you have at least 5 people who say "I have another commitment"...... Not to sound narcassistic, but it's hard to not ask yourself by the 5th time, can't you try and move the other commitment??  The one that really stung was the TEXT (not even a phone call) that came Saturday night from my best friend, who told me she couldn't come b/c they didnt' get enough storm cleanup done during the day. Meanwhile, I had talked to her on Saturday during the day and she told me how her husband was outside with all of the neighborhood husbands b/c they always do clean up together.....Well gee - maybe he should've focused on your own driveway knowing what Sunday was. I can't help but feel annoyed - every single person in the room  yesterday had to deal with digging out, and everyone else managed to get it done. SHe's one of the most important people to me in the world and she couldn't? Not to mention, her decline also included one of my other friends as they were carpooling, who never even reached out to me to tell me...... she just left my BFF to do her dirty work. AND - they BOTH put pictures on facebook yesterday of their husbands and kids playing in the snow. I'm not one to deter parents from playing with their kids.....  but really with the pictures?yesterday? you couldn't hold off?

This was all pretty much overshadowed yesterday when my Mother In Law called my husband AN HOUR before the shower started to tell him she could not make it. Yes, my mother in law bailed on my baby shower. Or at least tried to. She told my husband how she had no one to watch her 96 year old mother who she lives with. Um ????? Gee, you had a few days notice here - what's the problem? And I don't really know what/if there was one.We didn't get that far. In part b/c the more I think about this the more I believe she never intended on coming. When we had to change the date for the shower, my mom emailed AND Called her and she ignored BOTH messages. I am 99.9% sure that she did not have a gift and that is what was behind this. ONe of my brother in laws stayed with Grandma so she showed up. A half hour late, and left after an hour. She looked like she rolled out of bed - and her gift.......3 baby outfits. So I'm almost positive she either stopped at Marshalls when they opened and that's why she was late OR she pulled them out of her stash at home, b/c I kid you not she's a legit horder and already has 4 she's bought stuff in the past.

I am beyond insulted and hurt with her latest antics. I mean she's always disapointing us and pretty much screwing DH and I over - but for some reason this one REALLY hurts. I just did not see it coming. Which is sad. How do you miss the baby shower for your SONS wife?  Not to mention there was the whole LIE she told him a month ago - that she was going to have her own shower for me. Which obviously never came to fruition.

I want to be mad about the gift, but truthfully I am too embarassed. And this is my husbands only living parent, so I just can not imagine how he feels.  He was SO OFF yesterday. Just so distant and weird, it killed me. HE didn't say anything. I have no idea how he was feeling, which is odd. Additionally, this kind of behavior just makes things awkward between the two families.

There is really no point in this post. I just hate that I am sad today. It's been an absolute roller coaster few days with all of this. DH and I did not even get our driveway fully plowed out until 9:00 last night. My gifts are all still in the car since we were still so blocked in with snow all day yesterday. It was such a nice day and there was so much love in the room. THere were so many people that did push through the dig out and weather conditions to make it and I felt so loved. Then I woke up today all upset again, which makes me mad and makes me feel cheated. There should be no sadness after a Baby Shower for a baby we worked so hard to create.

Ugh. Damn you hormones.

 Well, if you made it this far - then a huge pat on the back. THanks for "listening"

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