August 2013 Moms

Weight gain and the ever-increasing number!!

I am getting a bit frustrated with my weight gain. I am 14 weeks and from what my scale is telling me, have gained 13 pounds. Aaah!

I am active, I run a few times a week and walk almost every day. I eat healthily for the most part but have been having a weakness for cookies lately...

Every time I get on the scale it is a higher number though! Started off at 118, on Friday I was 128 and today I'm 131! gaaah! I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy pants and I have a bit of a visible belly now (this is baby #2).. butt seems to be getting slightly bigger but not 13 lbs bigger!

 With DD I gained exactly 25 lbs and I was aiming for around that this time but with the way things are going... :(

Anyone else having trouble with this? Advice? I thought I should try drink more water as maybe it is fluid retention.. but my fingers are not swollen at all and neither are my legs/ ankles.. 

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