3rd Trimester

Early Labor...SUCKS!!! vent!

I have been having timeable contractions since Saturday night around 7. they will stay consistent for an hour. Then suddenly stop!! start back up 20-30 min later! sometimes they will go a few 3 min apart and then switch to 6 min apart! after having several long 4 min contractions I went to get checked. I am still 2 cm. and 70% effaced! the doctor just said that i am in early labor, and i could choose to be induced but should just go home, walk a ton, and drink water with lots of sex.... I am so annoyed I am being taunted! here comes baby for an hour I am filled with excitement timing contractions, and then stop "hahaha just kidding baby is stayin in longer"! really considering induction!!!! This baby head butts me, he tries to launch himself out! (he sticks his lil feet in my ribs and bam right into my cervix with a butt load of pain, and there goes my legs from under me almost! I have to catch myself! along with the fact I cant close my legs because his head is right there! It feels like I am going to squish his head! why cant this baby be here already! I dont think any one begs for labor pain!!!!
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