Pregnant after IF

Well I didn't get to AW my 35/35....

But now I can AW my little cookie!  Mackenzie Rae was born February 1st at 8:35AM.  In case some of you forgot, I had went into the hospital over a week ago due to preeclampsia.  I sat in the hospital for 1 week before my Dr decided to induce me because my blood pressure was just not getting better.  I'm not going to lie, I really disliked the labor process even though some women say its not that bad.  But I was really lucky and only had to push 20 minutes after I was fully dialated!  And, we were very blessed that she did not need NICU being 5 weeks early....she was breathing fine and came out 5lbs 3oz. IF definitely blows but the outcome in the end is just a miracle. I feel so blessed!  I thank you ladies so much for all the helpful advice.....I hope everyone gets their little miracle in the end!

see more After 12
Just because something isn't happening for you right now doesn't mean it will never happen.
IUI #1 - BFN IUI #2 - BFN
IVF - Starting injects May 25 IVF #1 - BFP!
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