August 2013 Moms

Guilt at the Grocery Store

So when I first found out that we are expecting I thought "Ok great! I am going to eat super healthy! Lots of chicken, lean meats, veggies and fruits and I am going to get in as much exercise as possible!" That was in December. It's now February and my diet has consisted of everything but the above.

Last night my husband and I were grocery shopping and he was picking out lots of veggies and planning meals. Me? I was picking out Mac n Cheese, PopTarts, kid cereal...

The thought of meat makes me cringe. I can tolerate fruit... I've been adding blueberries to my cereal (not the kid cereal though hehe) packing bananas and oranges in my lunch. Typical lunch is soup, snacking on some carrots with dip. So I try. But it's just the snacking that kills me. I want kid snacks.

And excerise? Yeah, hasn't happened. I used to love to run/walk outside but it's so cold out right now, and snowy/icy.

I'm hoping once the weather breaks and the fruit and veggies are more in season that things will look up and I'll move on from grazing like a 5 year old.

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