August 2013 Moms

When to register?

I took DH to Babies R Us for the first time today.

Frankly, that place gives me anxiety, but I am trying to get used to it. He actually thought it was fine.

DH was asking about when we might Register. 

I am planning to order the new Baby Bargains coming out April 18th.

We have our 20 week scan at the end of March.

My mom's BFF has offered to host a shower, so I expect it will be in June or July (?).

Do you think registering in May is OK? I guess it depends on when shower invites might go out? 

"How long till my soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach the highest light? Except for Galileo, god rest his soul, king of night vision, king of insight." ~ Indigo Girls Anniversary
When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

BFP 11/24/2012 with EDD 8/07/2013
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