3rd Trimester

Question about fiance drinking?

My fiance was QUITE the beer drinker the first year we were together (I don't drink at all, all his friends drank, etc.). When he found out I was pregnant, he vowed, on his own accord, to no touch a drop until after our baby was born. WELL, yesterday when he went shopping with my brother for some steaks and other stuff for dinner, he apparently told my brother that he wants to be dropped off at a bar and left alone to get drunk and then picked up by my dad (all 3 of us live with my father right now). My dad agreed to get him if I agreed to let him do that, but my answer was flat out NO!!! I'm not dropping my fiance off at a bar, ALONE, to get drunk, and then have my dad go and pick him up. Then my brother also told me that my fiance said if I wouldn't "let him" do that, he wanted to at least bring home a 48 pack and watch sports one day or something (I don't believe he'd drink that entire 48 pack, but the quantity of beer he wants to bring in this home is ASTOUNDING to me). I am NOT a drinker. At all. Period. And this makes me VERY, VERY mad....should I let him drink like that??? To me it seems in EXCESS the way he is describing and wanting to do it...


No one else in this house drinks, ever, me, my dad, my brother, and obviously our son will be #4 when he is born in the next few weeks. We are NOT squares, but we just don't enjoy drinking. Any thoughts? 

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