3rd Trimester

Venting, and need advice :(

Hi everyone!

 This is my first post. I'm one of the members who are guilty for searching the forum for answers and not ever writing anything.

 Tonight I just need to vent. I'm sitting here tired (even tho I've been home resting/sleeping for 3 dyas) and my face and ears are on FIRE. I've started getting hot flashes and I never did get that "burst of energy" that I've been told (over and over) that I SHOULD have got in the 2nd trimester. 

Because it's the weekend I'm ok with it... I can take off my shirt and sit in front of the fan when needed.. lay down when I'm tired...  cry when I'm upset etc... But I really struggle through the week at work. Its to the point that now I'm having anxiety about going to work. I count down the hours until i get to go home because the anxiety about getting hot flashes and fatigued, is making the hot flashes and fatigue WAY WAY WAY worse. I have two more months left of work.. I dont know how I'm going to make it through :( Unfortunately financially I cannot go off any time sooner than that.

Does anyone have any tips? Especially quick relief remedies for hot flashes?

Sorry for the vent, but I'm sure some of you out there will understand... unlike anyone else I've tried to talk to about this. 

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