3rd Trimester

Intro to 3rd trimester board!


It seems I made it to the promised land! LOL I will be 28 weeks in 6 days, so I decided to transition over to the 3rd trimester board today :) My name is Jessika, my fiance is Stephen, and we are expecting our first child, a son, due Mother's Day (May 12th) :) His name is going to be Connor Stephen and we are super nervous and excited!!!  We already have the crib set up, the travel system set up, the swing set up, the carseat in the back of the car (so we can get used to it being there), a play pen and lots of other necessary things like clothes, a new waterproof digital camera, and toys! We will be having my baby shower sometime at the end of next month - so things are getting REALLY REAL!!!!

 I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes 2 Fridays back, and have been testing 4 times a day until I can get in to see a GD counselor and she tells me otherwise. I also have hypertension (high blood pressure) brought on by pregnancy, SO it looks like I will at least be induced before 40 weeks, and she said a C-Section before that is looking more and more likely (making Connor an APRIL baby instead!!!) 

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