3rd Trimester

NBR: reaction over sister's pregnancy

I see my sister at least once a week. We go shopping with my mom, or just hang out. Typical sister stuff.

Last week, out of the blue, she TEXTS my mom to say something along the lines of "I want you in my daughter's life..." Surprise! She is 22 weeks pregnant with a little girl. She has hid her pregnancy she is 23 yo until now.

I feel hurt that she didn't tell me...and hid it. I feel disgusted with her that she was careless enough to plan a pregnancy with a guy that has no high school diploma, no GED, barely a job and can barely read. He has cheated on her with his first baby's mom of which he has supervised visitation only and he lies constantly. In fact, my husband has arrested him before because he is a dirtbag. Her life is basically an episode of 16 and pregnant. When it comes to the important things like insurance or childcare...she has no clue...but don't worry...she is already planning her baby's Christmas outfit.

I am trying to focus on the sweet little niece that I will have, but I can't get over how careless my sister is or how strange it is that she hid her pregnancy.
Wyatt 3.21.07 Grant 8.29.09 Ross 9.21.11 Pregnancy Ticker
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