August 2013 Moms


Okay ladies I need some advice. WWYD? I have a cat which means I have a litter box to clean. My husband deployed to Afghanistan and now I don't know what to do about the cat box. We don't live near family. I have a couple close friends but I don't know if its worth asking them to help me out for the next 3 1/2 months. I think it's kind of a nasty chore to ask a friend to help with even if she is my best friend. I learned in nursing school that the main concern is getting toxoplasmosis from the fecal matter. Usually it affects women in the 1st trimester more than the 2nd and 3rd so maybe I am ok since tomorrow makes week 13 for me? Before school I always thought it was the ammonia from the urine but I guess I was wrong. Anyway. I worked 12 hour shifts this week and didn't have time to call my OB but I will Monday. WWYD in the mean time? Get gloves and a mask? Or do you think it's serious enough to ask a friend? Or...other ideas? Thanks!
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