3rd Trimester

UTI or lightning crotch?

Just curious for those that have had similar experiences... For the past few days I've been having this weird pain in my groin area.  It feels like it's more inside, I don't have a clue how to explain it other than it's similar to a UTI/kidney stone.  I always get these hand in hand so I don't really know the difference. It's also a feeling of having to go the bathroom all the time - literally. I had some labs done and according to the doctor no bacteria or blood in urine and she said it's just "3rd trimester stuff" and people complain of painful vaginas all the time.  My confusion is that this literally feels exactly like it did when I had a uti before, it burns a little at times/feels tender when wiping, etc,  I have these little spasms in what to me feels closer to my bladder, not vagina or cervix or anything. It's not like a menstrual cramp that you can breath through, it's more like a spasm that's like wholy F! make it stop ... and then luckily it does for a few minutes. 


Apologize if this is tmi, I'm just confused as I could have sworn this was a uti and never heard of lightning crotch before until researching....  Does this sound like normal 3rd trimester stuff? 

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