August 2013 Moms

Name that App- never mind, got it!

I remember reading (while lurking) about an iphone app that gives you funny updates about the baby.

Can anyone tell me the name?


It's called Wee Mail

Just a Little Blog photo 46122502-649c-4d9b-a99e-dc22cf009d51_zpsf72c5124.jpg photo 5ef65308-c26c-4465-81fb-d4f6a9cecbb0_zps72b02379.jpg BabyFruit Ticker TTC 07/2010, Dx with PCOS 11/2011, H's S/A= Perfect!!! HSG= both tubes clear!
Round #6- 7.5mg Femara+ .5mg Dex+ 75iu Gonal-F+ hCG trigger+ IUI=BFP!!!
Beta #1(14dpo)- 94 Beta#2(22dpo)- 1,619 Beta#3 (28dpo)- 11,396!!! image
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