Pregnant after IF

Rude comments

So I'm sitting in the lab taking my glucose test. The woman registering said to me,"wow you're big! You really blew up quickly!" I'm already so self conscious about how I look. I put on a lot of weight while I'm pregnant, even trying not to. This is also my second child, so I got big a lot faster. I know it's trivial and the weight will go away, but I seriously want to cry. Why do people say stupid things?
dx homozygous for 3 thrombophilias, poor egg quality, and most likely autoimmune problem. Anything I'm missing?
5 miscarriages, 1 exception DS born 4/10
TTC another miracle
3 failed cycles of clomid, 2 failed cycles of injectables, moving on to IVF 8/12
ER 8/20 22 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 2 transferred, 9 frozen
Beta #1=302 Beta #2=700 Please be a sticky baby!
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