
Weight Gain?

I have a question for other breastfeeding mommies;
My question is have any of you experienced your babies pediatrician saying that they believe your baby isn't gaining enough weight and they are worried about it.

My daughter is going to be 3 months on February 9th and we just went to the doctors for her to be weighed February 7th and she was weighing 9lbs 3oz. She was weighed two weeks before this appointment 9lbs 1oz. When she was born on November 9th, 2012 she weighed 7lbs 2oz.

Now I feel like my pediatrician is jumping the gun too quickly in freaking out about it, she is having me come back again next week for them to weigh Ella before and after I feed her to see how much she gains from eating. What's the weight gain scale if there is one for EBF?

Oh and now I have to pump for three bottles a day at least to see how much she's actually getting. Pumping is so much of a pain! I know for a fact I can get 4 oz out of a morning pump. Which is really the only me time I get to pump with out interuptions.

Mind you her latch is good and she's always satisfied after eating, has enough wet diapers.She is eating I would say every 2 to 3 hours as well. Also she sleeps through the night!

My thoughts were always that breastfed babies gained a little slower? Sorry if I'm not correct about that, I'm a first time mommy. I just feel like she is OVER thinking her weight in saying she is small, she is small..she is small..OH not to mention her length and head circumference are perfect! PS; our baby girl is really long, couldn't that have something to do with her weight as well?

I just need a little more encouragement I guess in to keep trying breastfeeding as I've felt like our pediatrician is in a way seeming like she's wanting to force formula on us.

Not to mention now I'm worrying about her weight. ;

Oh she also p'd me off 2 weeks ago at her appointment. We asked about possible teething. Her response was no no way is she teething yet its too early. I think were going to have to find a new pediatrician. Sorry this is so long.

Thanks for listening to my frustrations.
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