3rd Trimester

Most moronic prego brain activity to date...share yours (here's mine)--

My dad's coming to dinner tonight and when he joins us I like to make a roast in the crock pot.  Otherwise it's too much food for me & DH (and DD).  I made sure yesterday I went to the store, got what I needed, so that bright & early today I could get it started before I left for the day to meet up with another momma & do a playdate.

Got it all going this morning, with DD "helping" (aka making things more difficult) but all was in the pot before I left.

Got home an hour ago...and noted I hadn't plugged it in.


Now I get to throw out a roast (I *hate* wasting food and as a former vegetarian I really REALLY hate wasting animal flesh) and start all over.  Went and got a 2nd roast but out of time to crock it so now I'm trying to figure out how to do it in the oven where it'll be good.  (Never done it other than crock pot.)  

So that's my prego brain fail.  

And yours? 

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