3rd Trimester

Push present- and why I love DH

Little did I know until last night, DH has been doing a lot o secret research about pregnancy, parenthood, etc. Given his particularly busy schedule I was surprised by this is a happy way. Here I was thinking I would just need to regurgitate what I learn to DH, but he's been playing dumb the whole time.

Last night while we were winding down he asked, "So, since we'll be delivering around V-day," (I'm scheduled for being induced the 17th due to GD) "do you want a fancy push present or a smaller one and a valentine's gift as well?" It really threw me off because I really don't get the whole "push present" thing. To me, the baby is the present. I honestly didn't know how to respond so I just said, "I don't care. As long as my baby's healthy and you don't pass out in the delivery room that's a present enough for me." DH spoils me unnecessarily (I appreciate it, but don't need it, you know?) so he insisted on something. We've settled that my push present will be food from a favorite restaurant that also happens to be across the street from the hospital. Preferably something with lots of carbs and sugars since I haven't been able to indulge since the middle of November.

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