3rd Trimester

what to do with LO during delivery (mom issue-long)

My mom is going to be watching DD when I go into labor.  DH and I talked about having him come home periodically, after the baby is born but I'm still in the hospital, to give her some normalcy.  I talked to my mom a little about what will happen and I thought we were on the same page, she even said "I think I should stay at the house with DD until you're moved to postpartum, then if you want I can bring her to the hospital."  I said, yes, perfect, that's what we want.  On Monday I even said, "we'll all have to pack bags in a couple weeks to get ready!"  she said, "yes, I plan to have one in the car just in case!"

However, just yesterday she told DH that of course if I go into labor in the middle of the night she will come over to our house, but that if it were to happen during the day that we should bring DD over to her house and have DD stay there.  She then said DD should come stay with her a couple times before the baby is born to get her used to it.

I have several problems with this.  First, I'm not going to go driving all around (her house is about 15-20 mins in the opposite direction from the hospital) while in labor with my 2yo in the car.  Second, I think it would be much much better to have DD in her own house with all her toys and things and to sleep in her own bed as all the other changes are going to be difficult enough.  Third, I'm 97% sure this is just my mom wanting to be in HER own house and nothing to do with DD or her needs. 

DD has a difficult time going to sleep for anyone other than me or DH.  While I don't theoretically have a problem with her staying at my mom's, I just think she's not developmentally or emotionally ready to be away from her own environment overnight.  Especially with so many other changes taking place.

What are your thoughts?  Am I'm being unreasonable?  Any ideas on how to communicate this to my mom without sounding pushy or upset?  (my mom's very emotionally sensitive and she's much more likely to listen if I can approach it in a non-confrontational way)

Thanks ladies!

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