3rd Trimester

Need MIL advice

My MIL just announced that she wants to come visit for the long weekend of Easter--one week before our due date but increasingly when it sounds like my docs are going to want to induce thanks to GD and other complications.  MIL's thought is that if she makes it in time for the birth, great; if not, we'll just have the holiday together.  Her work schedule rotates around the school year, but she doesn't see being able to get out to meet the new grandchild over the summer since she's already made other travel plans, so this might be her only chance before next Christmas (we haven't told her we don't plan to travel for Christmas yet).

Is it just me, or is she asking a lot of us to put her up and try to have a "holiday" within the week before our first child is due?  At a time when I expect I'll be highly anxious, seriously uncomfortable and not so pleasant to live with?  Not to mention, if the docs DO end up inducing me while she's here, both DH and I agree she's not welcome in L&D.  We've even been telling our local crew not to visit us in the hospital, since we'd rather be able to focus on the LO and get some good sleep before we have to head home to reality.

How do I tell this woman that I really don't want her to come visit at that particular time?  Am I just being unreasonable?  My parents live as far away as she does.  They're giving us our space and waiting a couple weeks to come visit.  She, however, can't afford to take the time off when school is in session.  Is it our problem how she chooses to prioritize her summer travel?  Grr.

BFP#1 8/14/07 m/c d&c 9/20/07 Dx APS 2/9/09 after multiple CVT BFP#2 7/28/12 EDD 4/9/13 -- holding our breath and hoping BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary
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