3rd Trimester

Bloody show, mucous plug...?

I am 38w 2d, and I BELIEVE I have lost my mucous plug in small increments over the last week. My question is, is it normal to have bloody show before or after losing your plug? I have had some brownish-reddish throughout the day today. And if this is pretty much how the schedule works, does anyone know about how long bloody show lasts, or how long before contractions will start? I ould love to hear any stories about experiences with this! This is my first baby, so Im kind of clueless...LOL I know that every person is different and anything could happen any way, but a general timeline would be nice :) I seen my doc today, I am 1cm dilated, she said my cervix has not shifted forward too much yet, but it was completely facing back last Wednesday and I was only a fingertip.........
Melissa Lynn
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