3rd Trimester

Recovery harder than birth

Ok, we just got home from the hospital and let me just say "fire nipples", I'd forgotten the first couple days of breast feeding, plus I bet sometimes our latch could be better.

Isaac Christopher decided to make his debut February 5th. Water broke with a popping sensation and slow trickle that wasn't convincing, but the pop was weird as all get out. So I decided to try a trick I'd read about on here (thanks ladies) with laying down and then standing up to see if I leaked. I did, so I went to wake up my hubby since it was just past 11 pm on the 4th.

I didn't feel safe laboring at home or even waiting and timing contractions since I have unpredictably fast labors and I had no intention of missing my epidural window, lol...been there for my first labor, preferred to have an epidural this time.

Got to hospital around midnight, they went through all the testing to make sure I hadn't peed myself and it was actually my water breaking. The midwife then was talking to me about whether I wanted an epidural or not, which I did. She gently said I could wait until I knew I wanted one and couldn't handle the pain anymore.  I briefly contemplated this and then said..." no, I don't want to miss my opportunity, my labor with my son was just too painful and fast, I'll have it as soon as is convenient for the anesthesiologist." MW looked a little skeptical and said ok, they did warn me I might need pit if the contractions slowed after the epidural.

So got the epidural, and then immediately following they checked me, 3 cm. It was 230 am. Isaac was born 340 am. After the birth the MW said "well, you weren't kidding. If you had waited you likely would have gone too quickly to get the epidural or have it work." The birth was great pain-wise. The recover is much worse. I still have a slight remnant cough that hurts my perineum something fierce every time I cough. Then there's the fire nipples and the slight constipation. But, little Isaac and all his cuteness is worth it. I adore him.

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