3rd Trimester

TB test while pregnant

I currently was accepted to substitute teach at a district near my hometown, and they are requiring that I get I have a TB test done within the last 60 days.

I called my OB and the nurses said its fine to get this vaccine while pregnant, but I feel very weary of doing this while I'm pregnant!

I am going to try to see if the district will let me get by with results that were done within the last 18 months, but they may require that I do it again.

I really need the position for money and experience, because teaching jobs are hard to come by in my area, let alone substitute positions! This is the first one I have been able to get and I applied 8 months ago!

I am pretty sure they wouldn't hold my application until I can do it in 7 weeks after baby is born.

Have any of you done this test while pregnant? Thoughts? Safe, not safe?

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