August 2013 Moms

Twin mamas...Dr Luke

I know there is a multiples board, but I like that the twin moms in here are in the same stage of pregnancy as I am, so I wanted to post here...sorry!

Have any of you read Dr Luke's book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, Quads"?  I ask because I noticed a few of you in the thread below about our bumps seemed to have only gained a few lbs so far. 

The book really emphasizes how crucial it is to gain a lot of our weight in the first half of the pregnancy to help prevent premature labor and if we do go early, that the babies will be larger and healthier. 

I am average weight and BMI and it says that I should have gained between 12 and 18 lbs already and that I should be eating 3500 calories a day.  I haven't counted my calories but I don't think I can eat that much!  I have been eating whatever I want, and not anything particularly healthy since I am trying to eat whatever I can with my limited appetite right now but I have only gained 4-5 lbs.  I drink a ton of milk and drinks with calories throughout the day to help.  And I am ashamed to admit I have been eating Taco Bell or In & Out on a daily basis, but's protein and carbs!

I notice some people on the Multiples board think the advice is excessive and I asked my doctor who told me I am fine and keep doing what I am doing.  So I am just curious if your doctors have mentioned anything about your weight or if they all think it is fine to gain slowly?

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