August 2013 Moms

worst 10 minutes of my life

This baby is our first.

We had our second appointment this past Monday to check the heartbeat.  They went over all these questions and details of delivery, hospital, labor, etc before we checked the HB.  I was so anxious I couldn't stand it.  FINALLY the doc came in and talked with my husband and I for a while (c'mon already!) then finally said it was time to check the heartbeat with the Doppler thing.  I was so excited and anxious.  We miscarried last July so I was nervous about reliving that again.  After about a minute, he still couldn't find Baby.  I was just laying there looking up at him; looking at his face.  He  was rolling it all over my belly with no luck for about 5 minutes.  Eyes filled with tears.  I started to feel really hot and just sick to my stomach.  He said he wanted me to gown up to do a pelvic exam.  So I hurried and waited for his return.  He did the pelvic exam to see if it was turned funny or whatever.  I was kind of hoping maybe that was the case so there was an explanation as to why he could not find Baby.  After a few minutes of that (no fun) he said he was going to try again with the Doppler.  He started trying again.  Two minutes or so passing.  Suddenly my husband JUMPED out of the chair and ran over to me squeezing my hand.  He heard the heartbeat for a brief second!!  The doctor confirmed he heard it too.  I didn't hear it but I was glad they did!  I couldn't breathe and couldn't stop the tears.  It was the biggest relief of my life.  It took about 2 more minutes for the doc to finally find Baby again.  He giggled because the baby had already moved so much from the minute or two that passed where they quickly heard it.  Baby's new nickname is Wiggles for now.  Scariest 10 minutes of my life followed by the biggest relief of my life. 

BabyFruit Ticker
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