August 2013 Moms

What to do about my sister???

My younger sister and I have always had a rocky relationship...especially as kids, but it got better as we got older. Our relationship has drastically changed since we both discovered we were expecting at the same time. I was very happy about this news thinking how close the cousins will be, how fun it will be for my parents to become grand-parents twice within a week or so, and thinking we will have a closer relationship, but I was very very wrong.

I found out I was pregnant before her, and announced it to my parents and called her to share the news. She wasn't too thrilled with me, and made some not o nice comments. She also announced she was expecting (Due 10 days after me) I just let her be, knowing she wanted the first grandchild. She always joked she would be the first to get pregnant....and it wasn't a big issue for me, i just figured it would just be one other thing she would turn into a competition between the two of us.

Last week, she went for her first ultrasound, and found out the baby had not made it. She was then scheduled for a D & C. My mom called me to share the news and my heart was breaking for her, and I wanted to be there for her. I tried contacting her but never got a reply, i sent her a few txt messages saying I was there for her and understood if  she just wanted space. To call or txt when she was ready. I had a miscarriage in May 2012 and was 12 weeks along, so I know how my sister is feeling, and remembered not wanting to talk to anyone for a little bit.

My mother has since informed me that my sister does not want me to contact her, and that I am not welcome at her house, or near her. It's just breaking my heart and don't know what I should do? Have any of you been in a similar situation?????? Sorry for the long post! :(  

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