August 2013 Moms

Got the shakes?

Ugh, I totally almost passed out and fell UP the stairs at work just now! I ate a bagel for breakfast, a mozzarella string cheese and some pickles for a snack, then a small coffee, and now I'm totally shaky and feeling "off". I also feel like it's taking more of an effort to breathe right now. I can't tell if it's my blood sugar or what, so I'm eating lunchpasta and meat sauceright now to see if it helps. Any other suggestions on how to deal or what may be causing it? If it doesn't get better after lunch, I might just call my ob to talk about it. I know my blood work came back fine, with the exception of my vitamin d levels, but I take a supplement for that. I just really need to not pass out at work. I'm 12 weeks today.
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