August 2013 Moms

Here we go again!

With dd1 I was hospitalized at 30 weeks with Nephritis and ended up having a csec at 37 weeks.  Dd2. I had GD and then a partial hemorrhage after my 2 nd csec.  I've had brown spotting every few days for weeks and then a few days go it was bright red with small clots.  Cue freak out.  Everything is fine but my OB thinks I had a small abruption (sp) because I guess I had more old blood than usual when she did my exam but LO is a - ok ( thank god!). So now I am considered High Risk again.  

Dh and I always wanted 4 but I think we are done now. I'm already getting nervous about what's to come with this one. 

Dianna & Mike Proud parents of Angelina 12/07/06 & Gabriella 03/07/11 Belly bean #3 due August 2013 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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