3rd Trimester

Prodromal labor? Pre-term labor? WTF is this?

I spent the night in L&D again last night.  I was at work and started having contractions every 3-5 minutes so I went home to lay down.  They wouldn't stop so I was told to go into the doctor's office to get checked.  The doctor confirmed contractions and checked my cervix (no dilation) then said that he didn't feel comfortable sending me home so he wanted me at L&D.  Got a fetal fibronectin (sp?) done which came back negative.  They started IV fluids, which did nothing.  Then I got three shots of terbutalane (sp?) which also did nothing and then had to stay overnight to take Procardia which, you guessed it, did nothing. 

I had my cervix checked this morning and I am still not dilating but I am still contracting every 3-5 minutes.  They aren't increasing in intensity, they are just really regular.  The doctor said that since I was so far along and the contractions don't seem like they are doing anything at this point she didn't want to give me magnesium.  Now I am at home on bed rest until my regular appointment on Monday where I will be reevaluated and then my doctor will figure out what to do from there.

My muscles are already so sore from the contractions.  They are pretty intense but not what I would consider painful (although it took a while for my contractions to get painful during my last labor so I have a fairly high tolerance).  I was basically told to pay attention and if they get super painful or my water breaks then I need to come back in.

I am soooooo annoyed and frustrated.  Anyone else in the same boat?


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