August 2013 Moms

Mortifying morning at work. Long :/

So I will start off with saying that although I started with horrible ms, it really subsided and has been barely noticeable for about two weeks now.  That is until I came down with this horrible cold, and its back worse than ever.  I started out my morning vomiting, so I stopped and got a smoothie on my way to work because they usually help me.  I work in the operating room, and I scrubbed in and set up my first case of the day and started to feel a little queasy. I thought it would go away and be no problem, boy was I wrong.  I was coughing horrendously and the surgeon was jokingly asking if I had tb, to which I laughed and responded no just pharyngitis and a horrible cough. Two minutes later just as the second surgeon was scrubbing in to assist it hit me, the sudden urge to vomit. I quickly told the surgeon to please take the laparoscope because I was going to throw up. I rushed across the room and quickly tried to tear off my gown and gloves and started to vomit into my surgical mask so I ran for the door because you do not want to vomit in the operating room.  I couldn't stop the vomit and it was leaking down my mask all down the front of me by time I made it to the trash can just outside of the door.  I ripped my mask off and threw it away and started to try and clean myself off when an orderly appeared, I apologized profusely and let him know what had happened and he very nicely cleaned my vomit off the floor.  So I had to walk down the hallway to the locker room covered in my own vomit, my charge nurse followed me into the locker room and was asking if I was ok and needed to go home.  I said I just needed to sit down for a minute and drink sme water and see if I felt better, and she said to let her know in a few minutes but I could go home if I needed to.  So I stripped out of my vomit covered scrubs and threw away the white tank top I was wearing underneath because it too was covered in vomit and hid in e bathroom and called dh crying about my mortifying experience of vomiting all over myself and all of my coworkers seeing me covered in vomit and left work to come home.

i hope all of you lovely ladies have had a better morning than I have! 

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