3rd Trimester

I thought I'd know labor after my second pregnancy

But I am feeling totally clueless. Just yesterday I was given the go ahead for labor. Well my time-able contractions had stopped so I wasn't worried about it. If I have an hour of them, well no big deal. Last night I started having pressure, intense pressure. I had contraction 6-8 min apart for an hour after. They pretty much stopped and I fell asleep waiting a half hour for another one. This morning I feel like I'm very crampy. I am having a few contractions but nothing terrible. I am thinking this may be the start of labor but it is nothing like my first. My OB office opens at 8 and I'll call but I feel stupid, with the rectal pressure and gas. It could be a gluten reaction, as I'm very intolerant to small amounts. I really thought I'd know labor v stomach problems. Just so clueless, didn't expect that.
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