3rd Trimester

Sort of an intro..need other mama's opinions!! Long post :)

With my first pregnancy I was on here a TON..this time around, life is much different and I don't have as much time or a need with my second preg..or so I thought :)  I find myself coming back to thebump just recently to help me be up to date with the new baby products and just general comfort from other pregnant mommies.. I will try and keep this as simple as possible and hopefully get some good advice from you..

I had DD1 in NJ almost 41/2 years ago and we moved back to CT (where I'm from) a year and a half ago to be closer to my family and DH's job allowed this and I was thrilled, as I am close with my family.  Well, now we have to move back to NJ like now..I am almost 30 weeks pregnant and we are currently, aggresively looking for a rental..a 2 family home or house to rent..we don't want to jump into buying just yet and don't have the time.  

DH has been working there during the week while DD and I temporarily live at my parents..it has been really rough without him so we are trying so hard to hurry this up and be back together before the baby comes.  He has been looking at different places and working with realtors and sending me pics/videos of what he looks at..I am going tom night to Thursday to look at a few different ones he has liked..

So, my dilemma..other than finding a home quick!..is my delivery..I am almost positive that we are going to try and stay with my awesome, amazing doctor here in CT, who is willing and supportive of my choice to try a vbac..which means I will probably come stay at my parents a week before my due date so I am here for when I go into labor. And then after delivery..stay here for a day or two and then drive back to NJ.  I am PRAYING for a successful vbac as this would all be much easier if I don't have to have major surgery..I DON'T want to be cooped up at my parents house recovering and could probably not be in the car for 2 1/2 hours after a c section, if it is anything like my first.   

Is this a crazy plan?  I mean, I obviously would love to come HOME from the hospital with DD2 and not be at my parents the first night..or is it not a big deal?  I just really don't want to switch doctors this late in my pregnancy..I know the hospital in NJ wouldn't be willing..maybe at all to let me have a vbac (high c section rates, don't know what my previous ob thinks about vbacs) and I can't help but feel like they wouldn't care about me as much as a dr who has been with me throughout the whole pregnancy.  If I end up needing a c section then it will majorly stink, but I guess I have to think positive..what are all your thoughts??..

Other than I'm nuts and you can't believe I don't have a nursery ready!! Pray we find a home this week!!

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