3rd Trimester

SIDS risks

I know in my pack n' play post below you guys said that it is made for newborns to sleep in (the bassinet part). We just bought a used one and I'm realizing when it's raised, the sides are covered from the hammock that holds up the mattress. Isn't this a SIDS risk? I mean, if bumpers aren't good, how is this okay?

also, the mattress portion of it is not completely flat. STM if you have these, you know how when you package them up, the mattress part wraps around the playpen and then you place everything in that big bag? is it really bad for their backs?

also, we didn't realize it until we brought it home, but it has a bit of a smell. H is febreezing it down right now. It should be okay by April, right?

we DO have a crib. we were just thinking of using the pack n play in our room for the first little bit but now im all paranoid 


TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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