August 2013 Moms

Bladder infection

I try to be sunshine and rainbows as much as I can, but I need to vent. Exactly 4 weeks ago I had my first prenatal appointment and gave a urine sample. They didn't tell me until today I have an infection! Wth. What took them so long??? That seems like a long time for something to go unaddressed. So these cramps I'm realizing now are probably from that as well as my feverish flashes and dizzy spells. Not only am I worried about how the infection could have affected my LO, but now I have to take antibiotics which freaks me out. My OB and pharmacist both let me know the antibiotics won't hurt baby, but my pgal brain is even too paranoid for Tylenol. What am I supposed to do differently? All I do is drink water and V8 constantly. Maybe get up more throughout the night to drink? Ok vent done.
Feeling like a big bloated hormonal whale of a tale. It's awesome.
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