3rd Trimester

Our email to family and friends with pre-delivery details

I know there is a lot of discussion on how to tell people you do or don't want them at the hospital or delivery room whatever.  I sent this out to our family and friends if anyone wanted an idea on a way to approach it.


 Hello All!!

We only have a few short weeks left until Baby Number 3 arrives around March 13th!! If you are interested in visiting the hospital the information is below. If not I will let everyone know when we are ready for house visitors, usually a week or two later.
As you know we do not know the sex of this baby and will NOT announce it via text or facebook until both sets of grandparents have had a chance to meet him/her. We ask that no pictures be posted on facebook until we have had a chance to announce it ourselves.
We will be delivering at ___________.
This is about 20 minutes from our house and you will need to enter the South Entrance unless it is closed for the night then you come through the ER. They have free parking, cafeteria on the ground floor, and all the maternity is on the 2nd Floor. I will be registered under _______, and we will welcome non family visitors our second day there. No one under 18 is allowed on the maternity wing because of the epidemic of flu virus. There are no set visiting hours we just ask that we are left to bond with baby by 9pm.
Lindsay and Lauren will be attending our birth as volunteer Douala's. They will help us with any delivering logistics, pictures, etc... Give them big hugs and food when you see them because they will be tired, hungry, and probably scarred from watching me birth a baby, lol!!
As far as the boys go, the ______ have volunteered to take them as soon as I go into labor. After the __________ have had a chance to see the baby they will take over so the _______ can come see the baby.
All of the boy's stuff is in their bedroom. I have everything washed and ready to go for them and the new baby, so I shouldn't need any help other than just taking care of them.
We have drinks and stuff to make lemonade and ice tea in the pantry. I have the dinner menu on the frig and everything to make those dinners if you need them. There are also take out menus in the drawer by the stove if you want to order any food.
We are leaving the 4-runner with the car-seats and keys so you can take them places if you need to, we do NOT want them brought to the hospital. We will bring the baby home in the civic. I just ask that boys are wearing their green big brother shirts when we bring the baby home for pictures ; )
Important phone numbers, rules, the boy's schedule, and dinner menu is all posted in the kitchen.
We are working on a baptism date with our godparents, possibly the end of April very early May. We have a lot of friend weddings this year so once we have something that works for them we will let you know. Please let us know if there is a Sunday that absolutely does not work for you.

I can't really think of anything else other than that we really appreciate everyone's love and support and excitement!!! It means so much to us to have such wonderful family and friends for our boys and the help and support from all of you have made our lives much better and easier. We love you all and obviously love having babies so we look forward to sharing our family with all of you!!
Jinny and DH

Natural M/c 12/13/08 at 8w5d

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