3rd Trimester

Given the go-ahead for labor!

Counting contractions... DONE. I am so relieved. I would question myself, end up with 6 time-able contractions in an hour or maybe for 2 hours. They would stop and I wouldn't call but I'd feel guilty! I just couldn't do another bed rest/hospital stay. Well I finally got to see my OB today after 7 weeks of things happening where we didn't see each other. (early labor being one and I did see my nurse practitioner at week 30) And she said you are past 34 weeks and you have had steroid shots for the baby. We won't stop labor this time. Unless you are in labor, bleeding, or your water breaks, you do not have to come in anymore. I felt like throwing a party! I am going out to eat tonight (rare treat for this broke family) just to celebrate!
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