August 2013 Moms

Armpit? Boob? Who knows?!?

Hi Ladies,

The last 48 hours I have been having a very strange but sharp pain in the area between my armpit & top of my boob. Probably the outer edge of the pectoral muscle  It comes and goes, but it is very uncomortable.  It actually woke me up from my sleep last night. 

At first I thought it might be my boobs stretching, but its not really a stretching type of pain, its more of quick jabs of sharp pain. 

Is anyone else experiencing this?  Should I be a little more concerned than I am?  Or is this a normal pregnancy symptom? 

I am a FTM so most of these pokes, jabs and stretches I am not used to.  I am assuming that everything is related to the pregnancy lately, but I dont want to over look anything that could potentially be more. 

Thanks in advance!


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