August 2013 Moms

A coworker confided she MC'd weeks ago

Nobody ever knew she was pregnant. She would have been 2 weeks behind me. She isn't fuzzy, is very reserved, isn't one to join in the conversation which is fine. Her boundaries are totally respected.

She apologized to me and said "I didn't want to seem like I wasn't happy for you because I am. It has just been really hard seeing you grow and get bigger and share your happy news without feeling pain over my loss. But I want to congratulate you because I am so happy for you and your DH." Then she cried. I felt HORRIBLE.

Here is my predicament. DH and I are also coworkers, we share the same coworkers, people are often coming in and congratulating me. I accept them but am having a hard time not engaging in the talk TOO much out of respect for her feelings. I don't talk about it at all if I can avoid it when she's around. I struggle with not looking like I'm grateful or a snob for the congrats but I really want to respect her grief and privacy.

I should also say I'm a police dispatcher, DH is one of the officers, I am literally tethered to a console and cannot get up to accept the congrats privately.

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