August 2013 Moms

Looking for a job/switching jobs?

First let me start out by saying I'm not in dire need of a job, but I have been considering going back to work part-time when #2 arrives (I'm currently at SAHM) just to keep active in the work force.

A job opportunity came up that I'm really interested in, and they are looking to hire someone in April. The hours are perfect, the commute is great, not quite sure what the pay is yet but everything else points to this being the perfect opportunity for me. I applied and I am going in for an interview next week.

 My dilemma- I'm not sure when I should tell them I'm expecting. In the interview? when (if) they give me an official offer? At all? I am starting to show a little bit, but come April it will be obvious. I know it's against the law to discriminate against hiring someone who is pregnant, but I also want to be fair and give them a heads up that I will be taking some time off come August.

Anyone been in this situation before or have any advice?


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