August 2013 Moms

My twin NT scan and first MFM visit

I had my first appt yesterday with the high risk doctor and I love him!  He kept calling me super woman for having all these babies at 40, and kept telling me that my twins could not look any more perfect on the ultrasound.  They have seperate sacs and placentas, which is the lowest risk combination.  Surprisingly, this still means I have a 25 % chance of them being identical. So the only way I will know prior to the birth if they are fraternal is if they end up being boy/girl.

They were laying perfectly for their measurements,  Both had strong nasal bones and the neck measurement was low, so there were no indicators for downs.  Still waiting for the bloodwork results but I feel pretty good so far.  They measured almost the exact same size.  One had a HB of 169 and one was 167.  The tech actually offered to give her opinion of sex according to the "angle of the dangle" and she said she is 80% sure it is 2 girls.  Which will mean I have 4 girls including my grown daughter, haha.  Poor hubby is doomed to be surrounded by women his whole life.  He also has 8 sisters. 

I get to go back in 3 weeks, then every 2 weeks for ultrasounds to check the babies and my cervix length, so I get to get TONS of pictures of my babies.  Ridiculously happy about that:)

I have almost been to nervous to be excited but I am so relieved and happy now. We made our big FB announcement yesterday...yay! 

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