3rd Trimester

Hello Moms! I want your opinion on something (HBP and kinda long)

First let me say hello! I have not really been on here since my last delivery in 2010. I am in my  third trimester with baby #5 and so as you can imagine pretty busy. Anyhow, I have a question. First let me disclose that yes while I am a veteran mom, 3/4 were premature (induced due to high blood pressure) and one was 41 weeks and I didn't realize I was in labor until 8 cm dilated and this was 10 years ago! So now that I have said that, I am confused by my ob's due date calculations. My LMP calculations gives me April 10, 2013- my ultrasound taken in November the tech said I would be due around the 3rd of April. My ob said that she does not change the due date unless it's more than a weeks difference (in this case it is exactly a week are we splitting hairs?) and now she calls me to do another ultrasound on Friday because she said I will be 32 weeks and at yesterday's appointment I was measuring at 35 weeks. I am so confused because we have been going by LMP until now so I thought I was 30. You may think I am just concerned for nothing but here is where the problem is....the evils of high blood pressure. I want to make sure that I am at least 37 weeks before they try any type of interventions or inductions. I just had my last one spend several weeks in the NICU and I do not think I can handle that again. My 08 baby I was able to hold out on an induction until 36.5 weeks and she only stayed an extra 2 days in the hospital (although I had to stay an extra week due to the mag). My blood pressure is on the rise again with the medication, the swelling, my protein levels have not increased by much but I have yesterday I was given the red container for the 24 hour urine collection (AGAIN) and I am just trying to mentally prepare myself. SO what is your take on this - should I be using the dates we have been and consider myself 30 weeks and plan as I have been or should I be making my preparations -- (packing bag, getting hubby and kids prepared mentally and bags for them to go to grandma's, etc.) now and wait for something? I am so overwhelmed I cannot think clearly and my husband is so anxious anyway I cannot have this discussion with him and show him that I am worried. Sorry it is so long but thanks!
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