August 2013 Moms

Can too many nuts be a bad thing?

So I know Omega 3's are super important during pregnancy, my OB stressed that to me at my first appointment as well.

Since I'm not a big fan of fish, I've been eating walnuts, putting them on my salad nearly everyday. Which she said was good.

Lately I've been spicing it up and made my own little trail mix, with walnuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds, raisins, a few chocolate chips, hehe, etc. So I've been eating a small container of this everyday to meet my Omega 3 intake daily. (walnuts are the highest in Omega 3's - according to my doc and everything online)

 But my concern, and I just started googling it today as I thought of it... are too many nuts a bad thing?? I can't find anything really conclusive online that says definitely yes or definitely no. It's not like I'm eating a ridiculous amount, prob 1/4 cup or less each day, just for the purpose of the Omega 3's. But is this too many?

 I will ask my OB to be sure, but my next appointment isn't for a few weeks. Anyone else ask their doc about this yet? I don't want to risk allergies for the little babe!

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