3rd Trimester

Preterm labor, or just how I roll?

Hi all! I am 34+2, FTM with and have had, up til now, an exceedingly easy pregnancy. Well, last night I ended up in L+D with contractions coming 2 min apart. I had a terrible, highly stressful weekend (thanks mom) and woke up yesterday just not feeling right...anxious, emotional, overextended and I just wanted to stay in bed. So I did and drank lots of water. Around 3PM I started having very noticeable, kinda regular BH type contractions (Painless tightening. Not uncomfortable, even, just obvious), which I've been having for a couple weeks sporadically, no biggie until now. Around 4PM I had one contraction that felt like menstrual cramps and between 7:30P-8P I had 4 BH contractions in a row, lasting 30-90 seconds. No blood, no water breaking, no lost plug, no pain, no nausea, no pressure (other than when LO bounces off my cervix, but that's temporary and I know that's her moving). All the same, called Dr. and headed in to get checked out..

Once in L+D it was all the usual stuff: hooked me up to monitors and confirmed contractions approx every 2 minutes, LO's HB was great throughout and she was moving lots, copious IV fluids, lots of tests for infection/complication that all came back normal/good and my first internal check that revealed I am 3CM and 50% effaced. My Dr. prescribed Terbutaline to stop contractions, which I am now not happy about having finally had time to read up on it...but it was only the one dose and it worked, so I'm trying not to dwell on it. After 3 hours, contractions stopped and I felt like myself again, they turned us loose. No meds prescribed, no bed rest.

I woke up this morning, got out of bed to SOME tightening (normal for me) that subsided after eating. I have been drinking TONS of water and taking it easy, but overall I feel very normal today. So, good, but a girl trapped in bed Googles things and I'm just not sure whether to worry or not.

Obviously, this has me spooked and preterm labor scares me. However, I also can't help but wonder if some of this is just normal for me and, combined with the high-stress weekend, my body was just overtaxed and "benched me." Just not sure what to think and I really don't want to go through that whole cycle again, especially the meds, if it's not required and I continue to have no other labor signs.

What does everyone think?

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